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Feb 27, 2013

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is....
Addiction Myths

What myths did you hold to be true?
What were some of the surprises you found in the fellowship?

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell - Too Old For Recovery?

Pilot Fails...

Feb 12, 2013

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is....

Meeting Formats.
What kind of meetings have you attended?

Video Clips include:

Alcohol and diet soda

Beer Now Considered Alcohol in Russia

Feb 8, 2013

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is....
The recovery podcasters roundtable

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell - Drug Test Kids?

Helping an Alcoholic

Feb 1, 2013

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is....
we will discuss our experience strength and hope around this subject of relapse
we will look at some of the warning signs, and maybe talk about prevention.

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell - Opinion of Drug Therapy