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Oct 31, 2018

Addiction specialists agree that service to others might be the key to his staying sober. In recent years, a growing body of research has found that helping others brings measurable physical and psychological benefits to the helper.  Studies have shown that addicts who help others, even in small ways—such as...

Oct 31, 2018

Addiction specialists agree that service to others might be the key to his staying sober. In recent years, a growing body of research has found that helping others brings measurable physical and psychological benefits to the helper.  Studies have shown that addicts who help others, even in small ways—such as calling...

Oct 23, 2018

The 2020 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held July 2–5, 2020 in Detroit, Michigan with the theme “Love and Tolerance is our Code.” A.A. members and guests from around the world will celebrate A.A.’s 85th year at this event with big meetings held Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday...