Nov 8, 2013
This is the Open Talk I =gave on Novemner 3, 2013. My talk was supposed to be the Spiritual Talk, but when I opened my discussion with an F-Bomb, I guess that ended that.
The Traverse City Fall Round Up was an awesome expereicne for both me and my wife Anna. We met so many kind and wonderful people who treated us like we were special. John and Cindy spoke on Friday night and they have been on the speaker circuit for some time and know all the big names in AA. John was very generous in his advice to me, John told me to just go out and have some fun.
Mary D spoke on Saturday nght and she is a dynamic and funny person. Her story and our story intersect at the place called tragedy. We will forever be connected by these traagic events that are sure to happen to those of us who love addicts and alcoholics.
Dan F. and Andrea are friends from our home group. We didn't know that they were conducteing a pannel discussion. They shared their experience strength and hope in regards to The Family Afterward. Andrea, an AlAnon and Dan the alcoholic also shared from the heart and won teh crown over with their wit and charm. We hung out with these two for the rest of the weekend and we had a ball.
Thank you so much for contributing to The Recovered Podcast. Contributions you make allow us to share the story of hope to a world that desperately needs it.