Apr 23, 2023
Self-care is crucial in a 12-step recovery program as it enables
individuals to take responsibility for their well-being and
maintain their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Addiction
is a chronic and often debilitating condition that can take a toll
on your mental and physical health. Practicing self-care helps you
to manage stress, improve your mood, and reduce the risk of
relapse. The 12-step program emphasizes the importance of self-care
as an essential part of the recovery journey.
Self-care includes activities such as exercising, eating well,
getting enough rest, and engaging in hobbies and other enjoyable
These activities can help individuals to reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and improve their overall health and well-being. Self-care also involves setting healthy boundaries, learning to say no, and taking time for oneself to recharge and relax. These practices are especially important for you who may have neglected your own needs in the past.
Tonight, we talk about Self Care.
3:25 To skip the intro
This week,
Christy, Chance, Jim, Vicki, Niki, Penny, Jinifer, Jenny, Rebekah,
Bryan, Dana, Kim, Tanja, Kendy, Michael, Sean, Tony, Chris, Sam,
Chance, Falisha, Nicole
Made their Sustaining Partner Donations
This episode is sponsored
Gigi, Michael, Samuel, Chris, Helen, McQ
They used the donation button found on our website at