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Dec 19, 2018

A common motive for falling into substance abuse is an inability to cope with the difficulties of life. The individual feels overwhelmed by the problems of life, and desperation means that they will consider any means of escape. In the beginning alcohol and drugs do feel like the perfect solution. It gives the individual a break from their problems and the reality of day to day living. The problem is that as the individual becomes to rely on these substances. The answer to life’s problems is not to be found by using mind altering substances. The ability to deal with life is something that the individual can develop, but it is serenity that they need for this and not intoxication.

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The topic is serenity

What comes first to mind when you hear the word serenity?

What does serenity mean to you today?
What did you understand serenity to be before program
What was your understanding when you first came into recovery?

Why is serenity important to your program?
What are your barriers to serenity?
How do you obtain serenity?

What is blocking your serenity today?
How can the program help?
What steps, slogans, prayers, etc.?

What would you say to the new guy?




Serenity Defined
One way of defining serenity is to say that it is a feeling of being calm and tranquil. In recovery this word is often used to describe a state of being where people are untroubled by the ups and downs in life. It means that whatever is happening in the individual’s life they can rely on an inner sense of calm. Many would say that this way of being is the goal of recovery. It may even have been the search for such inner peace that drove the individual into addiction in the first place – they find what they are looking for in sobriety.