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Jan 18, 2017

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It should be said that I am podcasting right now with my mobil gear and trying out the sound quality. I am trying to replicate the sound as if I am in the studio, but I am not, I am in a conference room at rook with nothing but a mic and my iphone,

Let me know how the mobile sound is.

Now, let’s get to the topic..

Staying sober during business trips

Next week I will be up north at Soaring Eagle Resort and Casino for the annual Winter Conference for a business association

Plenty of opportunities to fall into old behaviors

Old character defects like:
I feel inadequate

So brought all of you with me

But First, i asked you all a question to find out how you stay sober on the road


Let look at what other people have written on this topic.

I came across this article

5 Tips for Staying Sober on a Business Trip
by REBECCA A. WATSON on JUNE 19, 2016

We Have Calls

Information on March Round up
See flyer

What can you do.

Join us in the Recovered Podcast Reception Room
We will have fellowship
Meet and greet the co-hosts
Coffee and snacks

Watch and participate in a live Recovered Podcast
We will perform and record an hour long show and we want you to be part of

Tell your friends
Go to our website, there will be information posted.

This costs money, alot of money and we are trusting that this will work out
Please consider donating
We will have different plans
Can always use the donation button on the website.
Just add a note that you want your donation to go to March Roundup