Jul 29, 2023
Sandy B. from Washington, DC speaking on the topic of the 1st step at the Saturday Morning Live Group in Washington, DC - January 1st 1994
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Jul 25, 2023
Service work and giving back play a crucial role in the recovery process from drug and alcohol addiction. Engaging in service work allows individuals to shift their focus from themselves to helping others, fostering a sense of purpose, connection, and fulfillment. By giving back, individuals in recovery develop a sense...
Jul 23, 2023
Hope and optimism in a recovery program not only benefit you on a personal level but also strengthen the overall recovery community. When you share stories of hope and demonstrate optimism, you inspire others struggling with addiction. The power of hope is contagious, igniting a sense of belief and determination in...
Jul 22, 2023
Chuck C. from Laguna Beach, CA doing his workshop "A New Pair of Glasses" at the Pala Mesa Retreat - January 1975
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Jul 15, 2023
Chuck C. from Laguna Beach, CA doing his workshop "A New Pair of Glasses" at the Pala Mesa Retreat - January 1975
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