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Mar 27, 2013

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is....


You know

Celebrating our recovery by recognizing our first day of continuous sobriety

Some call it a birthday, and it is I suppose

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell - Insomnia and Recovery

Mar 20, 2013

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is....

Recreating in Recovery

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez Mitchell - Kids and ADHD Meds

Alcohol at NCAA Events

Why Tim McGraw Gave up Drinking

Mar 12, 2013

Tonight, our
Recovery Topic
The persistent illusion
you know...
the thought that someday I can control and enjoy my drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker.

Video Clips include:

JVM - Are Interventions Effective

Mar 6, 2013

On today’s show, our Recovery Topic is....
Balance in Recovery
The challenge of living a balanced life
a balance between recovery and all aspects of life
balance in body, mind, and spirit

Video Clips include:

Jane Velez-Mitchell - Anger in Sobriety
