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Aug 31, 2013

Today, I am using my mobile rig set up and discuss my thoughts on the Fellowship.  I had the oportunty to visit a Detox Center and received the gift of speaking with clients that were just hours sober.  I was fiulled with Hope for them.

I then received news about a good friends child who is one of us.  My friend's child...

Aug 27, 2013

What does service work mean to you?

How has it helped your program?

What kinds of service have you done?

Bronte from Australia

Thoughts on Bronte’s call

Has your sponsor ever volunteered you for something?


Aug 22, 2013

We interview Jason Schwartz, Clinical Director of Dawn Farm, a local recovery center here in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area.'

Canton Cadlelight 5 year Anniversary Party with Barak C. as Open Talk Speaker

Join Mark S. at the Traverse City...

Aug 21, 2013

What does this mean to you?

Was there a point when you thought about giving up?

What happened?

Have you ever given up before?

What led you to this point of despair?

What character defect was operating?

How do you avoid getting to this point of despair?

What is the miracle?

Where do you first hear this...