Jan 30, 2023
Forgiveness is a major part of recovery because as long as you remain angry at the people who have hurt you, you’re inflicting new suffering on yourself.
Anger isn’t good for you. Anger and resentment can keep you feeling like a victim. It’s giving someone who has hurt you in the past the power to keep hurting...
Jan 27, 2023
Mickey M. from Denver, CO and Peter M. from Boca Raton, FL speaking at the Fellowship of the Spirit convention in Queens, NY - July 18th 2014
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Jan 20, 2023
Mickey M. from Denver, CO and Peter M. from Boca Raton, FL speaking at the Fellowship of the Spirit convention in Queens, NY - July 18th 2014
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Jan 17, 2023
Several faiths and philosophical teachings have put forth writings that note the harm that can be caused by envy. It is seen as an emotion that results in misery. Aristotle refers to Envy as “the pain caused by the good fortune of others.”
One of the first things we have to do to overcome our envy is to begin...
Jan 13, 2023
Mickey M. from Denver, CO and Peter M. from Boca Raton, FL speaking at the Fellowship of the Spirit convention in Queens, NY - July 18th 2014
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