Jan 11, 2024
To skip the intro, tap
Popsicle Sticks is not a topic but rather a meeting style here
in Southeast Michigan. This show will be presented in the
form of a popsicle stick meeting tonight.
A popsicle stick meeting is a meeting where we let our higher power
determine what we need to share. Here in our virtual studio,
we have a can full of popsicle sticks. Each stick has a
recovery topic written on it. We will take turns, randomly
picking a stick and then sharing on the chosen topic.
Tonight, we do popsicle sticks
This week,
Becky, Kim, Joel, Martin, Shelly, Amanda, Christy, Jim, Schez,
They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap
This episode is sponsored
Kurt, Brian, Gigi
They used the donation button found on our website at
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